Zoy's Rescue Mission 2 - The Forest Planet

Описание от Sumea:

The Zoykids have crash-landed on a distant planet and can’t survive on their own. It’s up to you to rescue the juniors from the clutches of the angry natives and get them home — all the while keeping a lookout for hidden areas that grant access to bonus levels!

Zoy's juniors have crash-landed on a distant planet! It is up to Zoy to rescue them and take them home.

A Matter of Time
Far away from home the juniors cannot cope on their own. Your mission, as Zoy,
is to save them from the threat of the evil inhabitants of the planet and take them home. Beware — the more juniors you have following you, the easier they are to catch and every new junior behind you slows you down.

The Juniors
Find all of the juniors and take them to the safety of your spacecraft. Inhabitants will be after both you and the juniors, so try to avoid them. A junior can be saved by walking or flying over to it, after which it starts to follow you. When all of the juniors have been rescued you should return to
your ship and take off. Look out for hidden areas, as they might contain keys to bonus levels!
Vendor: Sumea
Tags: Sumea
Features: Online: 0 | 3D: 0 | BT: 0
Uploaded: 13 фев 2024 г., 21:31
Updated: 13 фев 2024 г., 21:54
Загрузил: KrakaToA
Количество скачиваний: 114
MD5: bf9605ad132d45e6ee4f47035d56ffd2
SHA-1: 1d87f8c1ae41916f7c579d3290bed6caa5cb2fbf
Рейтинг: 1 / 0
128x128 : все модели Eng
JAR [58.43 Kb] Загрузил: KrakaToA 13 фев 2024 г., 21:31 | Price: 0
176x144 : все модели Eng
JAR [84.78 Kb] Загрузил: KrakaToA 13 фев 2024 г., 21:43 | Price: 0
176x208 : все модели Eng
JAR [82.83 Kb] Загрузил: KrakaToA 13 фев 2024 г., 21:54 | Price: 0