
True oldfag :)

Original description:
Boris Bee, hero of "THE BIRD AND THE BEES", has been set upon by a vicious
gang of ants and locked away, somewhere within their nest, to await a
terrible fate. Fortunately for Boris, help is at hand in the shape of his cousin, Barnabee who is about to launch a daring rescue mission.
You control Barnabee as he searches the labyrinthine ants nest in search of his missing friend. Can you rescue Boris and guide him back to the safety of his hive, or will you perish underground?
To move Barnabee:
Q, E, T, U or O - Move left
W, R, Y, I or P - Move right
Bottom Row Keys - Flap wings
Other keys:
S - sound on
A - sound off
BREAK - abort game
Barnabee will die if he runs out of stamina, so make use of the flowers which provide energy-giving pollen. Ants and thorns sap Barnabee's strength.
Some sections of wall are weak and will collapse when Barnabee flies into them, opening new routes in the maze system - other passages only open up when Barnabee visits certain flowers.
Once Boris has been rescued, make a map!
he will follow Barnabee, if he is close enough, but he is weak and so you will have to fly slowly to allow him to keep up with you on the way out.