Amiga Parties VI-VII-VIII 2020

Releases and Competitions
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Ranking | Release | Author

Forndata 2020 (5-7.VI) OnlineParty
Juneity Intro (*)
Insane - Bjoppen - Corel - Premium - ...
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Gubbdata 2020 (26-28.VI) OnlineParty
Demo Competition
#2 Gubbstar (*)
Istari - Grip (SE)
Other Releases
BlitzWays - Game
Genesis Project - Wertstahl
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Edison 2020 (3-5.VII) OnlineParty
Old School Demo Competition
#1 Halftime (*)
Insane - Bitflippr, Corel, Premium, ...
#2 25 Years
Nah-Kolor - Drareg, Facet, Magic, ...
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Solskogen 2020 (11.VII) OnlineParty
Invitation to this Party
Lysbilder Intro
Spaceballs - Adam, H7, Lug00ber, ...
Old School Demo Competition
#1 The Cure - AGA Demo
Retream - Saimo (IT)
#4 Power Cycler
Istari - Grip
#5 Soulskogen
Insane - Corel, Randy, Skurk, ...
#7 Preamp (Musicdisk-PreTracker)
Nectarine - Nosferatu, Prowler, Serpent, ...
Intro Competition
#3 Towards Darker Times (*)
Offence - Nosferatu, Serpent
#4 Sunny Side
Zymosis - Deetsay, El Visio, Nup!
#5 Binary Bill (*)
Resistance - Aceman, Fra, Grass, ...
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Flash Party 2020 (17-19.VII) OnlineParty
Old School Intro
#4 Rodonea
Ozzyboshi (IT,code) & Freeman (GB,music)
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Euskal 2020 (24-26.VII) OnlineParty
Open Demo
#2 Covid XX
Goblins (ES) - Birra, Tom, Zoltar
Open Intro
#3 Red Artifact (*)
Software Failure (ES) - Ham
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Decrunch 2020 (31.VII-2.VIII)
Poland, Wrocław
Invitation to this Party
Decrunch 2020 teaser1 - 4k Intro, Graphics
Dreamweb - Blackwine, Jok (PL)
Demo Competitions
#1 New World Order
The Electronic Knights - Bad Sector, Bifat, Okeanos, ... (FR,DE)
#2 Totalny Crap 1
Undiagnosed Aspergers Bastards - Arson, Sordan (PL)
#3 Death Track
Da'hoo - Cactoos, Hangtime, Tjahzic (PL)
#4 CrapCrunch 2020
Crapteam - Daktari, Mandi (PL)
#5 Decrunch 2020 Compo Killer
Drapteam - LiSu, WojT (PL)
#6 Red
Samar Productions - Don Kichote, Isildur, Jammer (PL)
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Dreams 33 (Packdisk) by Void
Released: 2020-07-31
9 releases (*):
* Abyss-TinyGalaga-Game
* Abyss-TinyInvaders-Game
* Agima-Yes!-64kIntro
(*) Insane-Halftime-Intro
(*) Insane-Juneity-Intro
(*) Istari-Gubbstar-Intro
(*) Offence&SNG-TowardsDarkerTimes-4kIntro
(*) Resistance-BinaryBill-40kIntro
(*) SoftwareFailure-RedArtifact-Intro
+ Maze - chippy nr.108.mod
Vendor: Amigers
Features: Online: 0 | 3D: 0 | BT: 0
Uploaded: 25 авг 2020 г., 14:45
Updated: 25 авг 2020 г., 14:45
Загрузил: KrakaToA
Количество скачиваний: 114
MD5: e2d301bf1ebcef0ab0c09ed422c41ebf
SHA-1: c6a10cd055014ddad9d8a9bec6e62fc6364c2de5
Рейтинг: 0 / 0
файлы adf, lha, exe, mod, png в архиве zip
ZIP [25.16 Mb] Загрузил: KrakaToA 25 авг 2020 г., 14:45 | Price: 0